Let's Spread Happiness
we deliver your donation to the right place
How to Spread Happiness?
Have you ever asked yourself: Which are the organizations where I can give away my old household items? Where can I donate clothes, blankets and furniture? Can someone pick up the donations from my home/office? Can I know the requirements of the people near me and fulfill them on my birthday?
You have questions and ISCI Foundation has the answers! Just surf around and you will learn everything you need to know to make a donation. Whenever you are ready, you can send us the items by courier or we will even help you schedule a donation pick-up.
The Met Department has predicted a colder and harsh winter this year. Help us to keep the homeless warm, donate a warm blanket.
In these times of epidemic there are a lot of kids who don't have access to masks. Help us to get this essential commodity to them.

Many children don't have access to books, copies, pens and pencils. Help us to provide these kids with their tools.

During these times of epidemic a lot of workers have lost their job and don't have anything to feed to their family. Help us feed their families.

A lot of people living in slums and other areas have to live without footwear. Help us to provide footwear to these people.