Living under the constant threat of natural disasters, it becomes vital for us to take protective measures. We need to focus our efforts on saving and conserving resources while giving back to society by restoring the green cover.
Among our many initiatives to improve the green cover, making and dispersing seed balls is an efficient, cost-effective, and fun way to restore mother Earth.

A seed ball is an assortment of marble-sized spheres that are made of clay, the Earth, and seeds. They are an easy and quick solution to reclaim the lost green cover of our environment.
Seed balls help in restoring the soil quality and enriching it. The clay present in these seed balls reduces water loss and helps in increasing water retention.
In a way, creating seed balls is an effective way to plant native trees in hard-to-reach places. It helps in the restoration of the environment and responding positively to climate change.
We prepare the seed balls with the help of our volunteers and communities. The native seeds are selected according to the local biodiversity. After preparation and drying, seed balls are dispersed in the forests and other areas. Seeds balls are not meant to be buried in the ground. Instead, just disperse them or in simple language – throw them! In remote or inaccessible areas, you may launch them by catapult or other means. With rain, the plants will start germinating and growing into trees. Seed balls do not necessarily need to be spread during rainy seasons as they can remain in good condition for more than two years until rains come. With rain, the plants will start germinating and growing into trees.
The chances of a seed taking root and growing into a tree are much higher than saplings, due to the root structure and size. The images demonstrate this difference very clearly. Saplings are typically grown in small plastic bags or pots or similar containers that restrict the growth of the roots. While seeds that are planted in the ground (such as with the help of seed balls have much stronger roots – as seen in the attached photo. Also, trees grown from seeds are believed to be stronger than a planted sapling – the reason could be the difference in the roots at germination.

Saplings: Restricted growth of roots. Observe the height of the stem compared to the root height.

Seeds in seed balls have stronger roots. Notice the proportion of the plant above the ground and the roots.
Impact on environment:
Carbon sequestration
Soil erosion control
Forest cover
Global cooling vehicle
Increase of water table
Purification of water and air
Biodiversity conservation.
We are looking for corporate and individuals to come forward and support this cause.